We recently welcomed Certified Health Coach, Alexia Caesar, to our studio for a health and nutrition workshop where she challenged participants to better understand their body and what it needs for prosperity. She provided helpful information about how to achieve optimal health through balance and wellness. The philosophy she follows is based off of 4 pillars:
- Lifestyle
- Exercise
- Attitude
- Nutrition
Alexia explained that each pillar plays a key role in how we form our habits, which determine whether or not we will reach our goals. An emphasis was placed on Attitude as the key to success. If you tend to think negatively, reframing your mindset will help you to start fresh and make the progress you hope to achieve.
Alexia also discussed how each person has their own unique metabolic programming and that this is the body’s wisdom. She stated, “Your body already knows what it needs for prosperity, but it’s up to you to give it what it desires.” If you find yourself getting into some bad health habits, or have been stuck in one (or more) for a while, only you can decide if you want to change your behavior and make the commitment to do so. Alexia or your ZenRock trainer can help by providing guidance, encouragement, and support, but you need to be the one taking action and then maintain the lifestyle you wish to lead.
So what are some tactics you can use to achieve your health goals? Alexia cited the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear to call out two exercises to practice. The first exercise is called Implementation Intention – setting an intention based on time, date, or route for achieving a goal. The second exercise is called Habit Stacking – placing a new habit after a continuous practiced habit. Utilizing these exercises will help to provide the clarity you need to be successful in reaching your health goals.
If you are interested in learning more about how a health coach can help you in your wellness journey, please visit Alexia’s website. You can also call her at (206) 337-6627 or send an email to [email protected].
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