Life is a journey! We certainly hear that often enough, but one thing I’ve learned is that we need to carefully pick those that we take along on this journey with us. At some point in my fifties I realized that my path forward was not healthy: physically, emotionally or spiritually; so I set out to branch towards another path. I analyze things and work much better with some sort of a plan so I began with the physical component and sort of hoped the rest would follow suit. Not knowing a thing about fitness (except that I was not and thought it might be a good idea), I started at a large chain gym. This needless to say was a FAIL!! The routine was not personalized to my body type and therefore my body became bulky and I was not happy. On top of that there was no personal relationship, which I now realize was and continues to be a very important part of who I am and therefore very important to the type of trainer and gym I should be using.
While running errands one day my husband and I passed ZenRock (now that I think of it we had passed by and discussed it several times). We stopped in just to see what they offered and were met by Petra Jahn, owner and trainer extraordinaire. The gym was so different from the one I was going to; it was quiet and peaceful. There was nobody that made me feel intimidated (which can make you just turn around and leave especially when you’re fluffy and awkward), my husband had not lifted weights in a very long time and although we were doing yoga and he was cycling (a lot) this was a goal for him. I loved the personalized approach, we trained together (which personality aside would be a juggling feat for any trainer), we scheduled two sessions a week, one for training and one for yoga. It was lovely!
What was so very important to me is that ZenRock helped me with every part of my journey. They motivated me physically sure but they were also there to support me emotionally and spiritually (with meditation and mindfulness) as well. It helps that they seem to always have the answer and if not they are willing to help me find one. Yoga, weights, outdoor activity, meditation, nutrition as well as help with personal reflection they seem to cover everything that I needed. Amazingly enough every time my journey sent me off on a different path, ZenRock and the trainers there have always had my back; with no judgment they just supported my need for change and we moved on.
As time passed my journey changed even more; we left Washington to become true nomads, traveling the world. Four years later we still come back to ZenRock every time we are here, of course there is always online training and yoga which we can access anywhere in the world, as well as texting and emailing. I obviously no longer attend a big chain gym but I’m sure that very few people are still at the same one with the same trainer and level of support that we have experienced at ZenRock for the past nine years. ZenRock Fitness has become such a large part of my life and I’ve
chosen them to be part of the tribe that I will continue forward on this journey with.
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